Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 24

10K, Travelled so far 135K


For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

"We were all, every one of us, even at our most difficult, worth the love of Jesus, who was born for us." Madeleine L'Enge

How will you thank Him?


This morning I headed to the gym for my run because I knew the sidewalks would still be covered in ice but when I got to the gym it was closed.  I needed to get to Bethlehem.  I was so close but yet so far.  As I drove back home I checked out the sides streets and they didn't look too bad.  If there was too much ice I would just have to walk it.  I was determined to continue this Journey.

It was freezing cold outside but it looked amazing!  Everything was covered in ice and looked like a crystal wonderland. I took pictures on my run and I hope I can post them.  As I ran down the streets of our neighbourhood I could see people looking at me like I was crazy.  Everyone had missed out on a couple crucial last days of Christmas shopping and I was out running on icy roads in the freezing cold.  The purpose of this journey was to stop during the business and ponder on Jesus' birth and I felt like I was really doing that today.

The day before I had gone wedding dress shopping with my daughter.  The crystal trees and branches reminded me of the beading on my daughter's gown.  I had felt so happy seeing my daughter dressed so beautifully in that jewelled gown.

It made me think of God's only son and how He was humbled when he came to earth as a baby.  He wasn't dressed beautifully in jewels, He was wrapped in clothes in a manger, in a barn.  So humble.  He was His only son.  How will I thank Him?  I will try and live my life in gratitude to Him because He gave me so much.

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