Friday, September 21, 2012

Is It Really Worth It?!

One more 30+K run to do before the marathon!  Im so happy!  Those 30+ runs are not my favourite.  I have to run my 10k loop 3 times and then add more kilometers every week.  Two weeks ago I had to do 32K, last week 34 and then this Saturday 36. 

Last week I was 10K into my run when it started to pour.  I was soaked all the way down to my socks!  But there was no way that I was going to stop.  I was done one lap and I wasnt going to start all over again!  So I kept running in the pouring rain.  People were looking at me like I was nuts.  Am I nuts?  Is this really worth it?

A woman I was speaking to a few weeks ago was asking me about my running.  I love to talk about my running which I dont do unless people ask me first.  Some people are annoyed by runners.   Imagine that?! So when someone starts asking questions Im excited.  But one question she asked me got me thinking for a long time later.  She said "Don't you miss out on alot?"

What would I miss out on?  I was taken back by the question so I gave some lame answer.  I just didnt get the question.  I mean it only takes me an hour to go for a 10K run.  Thats the same time as a TV show.  So what? Im missing a TV show.  Maybe she just never has time to exercise and there are always better things to do in her mind than run.  Maybe she thinks it takes time away with friends and family.  Maybe she thinks I could be using my time more wisely like volunteering. I dont know.  This question bugged me for awhile.  Am I missing out on more important things?
Then something else happened that really bugged me.  A good friend of mine, not yet 50 years old had a stroke.  I was shocked and couldnt understand it.  She is in good shape.  She watches her diet and loves to workout.  She is so active how could this happen? Whats the point.  Maybe she was missing out on things too by going to the gym.

So I pondered long and hard about this, while running of course.  And this is what I came up with.

Important Things That I Would Miss Out On If I Didn't Run:
  • Feeling of Peace
  • Stress Relief
  • Prayer / Jesus Time
  • Quiet time to actually listen to music and be inspired by the lyrics
  • Feeling free
  • Pure joy
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Feeling of confidence & pride in myself
  • Feeling of strength & beauty
  • Appreciation for God's creation
  • Enjoying the outdoors
  • A connection to my community
  • Setting and acheiving goals
  • Improved relationships because of all of the above
  • Pondering on life and family and how I can make a difference in the world and all that stuff
  • Talks with Dan the Beer can collecting Man
  • Being an example to my children
  • A fun healthy hobby with my hubby
  • Improved mental, spiritual and physical health
  • I could go on & on
I came to the conclusion that I can afford to miss out on a few things by running because I'm gaining so much more.  No pun intended.  Running and staying fit brings so much to the qualityof my life. It is truly worth it. Not just so I will live longer and chase the aging monster but to enjoy and live my best life now.