Thursday, May 13, 2010

God Is Bigger

Last week was a sad week. News of the death of a 21 year old daughter of friends and her unborn child, and a week before a death of a friend's only sibling who died days after getting some hard family issues.... it was just a very sad odd week because I had to fit birthdays in between it all and all I had on my mind was sadness. I didnt exercise or run all week. I had life to deal with.
Sunday morning was Mother's Day and I really didnt feel like celebrating it. What I really needed to do was go for a run. I got new running shoes for Mother's day and my birthday so I was determined that I was going to go for a run before church and put my mind at rest and just enjoy my gift and some time to myself.
I borrowed my daughter's Ipod and it had some beautiful praise music on it. There was a strong wind blowing as I ran and it reminded me of a song that had been on my mind all last week. "Consuming Fire" and one line is "come in like a rushing wind." I suddenly felt such love and praise for God. I just had this sense that God is bigger than all our problems and sadness. Im thankful for God and running.