Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Bits

Tuesday night I worked out at the gym as usual. I have to say my workout at the gym is getting very boring. The same thing every time. The same machines. I have been upping the weight but I have to mix it up more. And .....I am sick of the same songs on my MP3. Sorry Slash...not you. I need some new music and a new routine. I have been noticing some progress though in my stomach and arms. Starting to see more muscle although I cannot break 150 lbs which is frustrating me. I hate that number. That is a Clydedale number. That means I would qualify as a heavy person in a running race. I am going to do more cardio. I want to be leaner and in the 140s. I just want to get rid of the muffin tops and the saddle bags. What lovely names we have for our "bits". Thats my favourite word for our bits. Thats what the british guy on the show "How to Look Good Naked" uses. It sounds pleasant.

Wednesday night I went for a 6K run. My plan was to go for a run when I got home from work and then swim at 9 o'clock. (Trying to do more cardio to get rid of "the bits" remember). But when 9 came I had an upset stomach. Too bad. Couldnt go. I didnt argue with my stomach because I was sitting comfortably on the couch with Esther watching America's Next Top Model. I was so disapointed....not.

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