Friday, April 17, 2009

I Hate Osteitis Pubis

I went for a 6K run outside last night. It was nice out but as usual I felt really slow. Also I am feeling my injury (osteitis pubis) again which really worries me. I will have to stick to biking and swimming for the next few days. I have been doing everything Im supposed to..heating pad, glucosomate, stretching.... I feel like its never going to go away. Its not that its really painful it just feels weak and like its pulling or straining. I just worry about making it worse and having to start all over again. It took a year and a half of not running to heal it! There is an exercise the chiropractor told me to do that I havent been doing. I'll try that. But I cant afford to rest it too long. I have too much training to do!

1 comment:

  1. That sucks Cyn! Do the stretching exercise, hopeful that helps. Keep at it! Did you find another race?
