Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lost My Mojo

Ok I lost my mojo for about a week. I just couldnt get myself into it and also I had a lot of family birthdays last week. I was in a funk. With the marathon I was training with a friend and also we did it with a whole group at the Running Room. It helped that my sister Dory gave me a pep talk. This week I am getting it back into it. I started a program that I printed off from the web site Tri-Newbies. Its for intermediate sprint triathletes. I have to do two sports Mon-Thurs, then Fridays off and then Saturdays and Sundays a bike or run. Each sport 3 times a week. I was doing each sport twice a week. The program starts 18 weeks before the race but my race is in 15 weeks so I have to start 3 weeks into it. So far Im doing good except for last night. Andrea convinced me to buy everyone McFlurries since she made supper and I am a big I had an oreo mcflurry. Bad. Which basically cancelled out the 6 k run I did. Monday - I ran 9 K, Tues - I biked for an hour, did weights with my arms and swam 30 lengths. Wed -I ran 6 k....I was supposed to swim too know...the McFlurry thing. Tonight I plan on hitting the gym doing the bike and weights and then at 9 swimming. Its so hard going out at 9 to Swim! Maybe I will try doing the gym before swimming then I wont be tempted to skip the swim....or maybe Ill end up skipping the whole thing! Then I would screw up the whole week so I cant do that!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Andrea is in so much trouble! McFlurry's that's like 50 million calories! Did you tell her "why'd you let me eat this?". The steak dinner will be "clean".
