Monday, July 13, 2009

Triathlon Buddies

This week I did 3 runs, 3 bike rides and dum dum dum...1 swim. Because I can bike or run whenever I want but the swimming I can only do between 8 and 9. I need a big inground pool....thats all.

This Saturday I did the same workout as last Saturday. 28K bike and 10 K run. The bike ride was great. I had an average speed of 22 kph and my fastest speed was 43 kph. When I ran though I felt sooo slow! It feels so weird at first. I had to take walk breaks a few times. My legs felt so fatigued. Hopefully I will work up to not stopping at all.

I had what I like to call a "God moment" while I was biking. Family life has been a real struggle lately and I just have been feeling really down and this just made me smile so much. I was biking and I looked back and saw a couple of bikers. I was just waiting for them to pass me as everyone seems to do. But they came up beside me and invited me to go on the "Buttercup run" with them. I said whats that? They said Oh its just 45 K down the road...come with us. I told them I had to run 10K yet and then they asked what I was training for and I told them the sprint triathlon in Orillia and then they said...Oh we'll be there. So we chatted it up and they congratulated me with training for my first tri and invited me to swim with the group they train with. I cant because they go 7-8 in the morning but that doesnt matter. Its the fact that they invited me. I also commented on their bikes as compared to mine. (They had bikes that were worth thousands of dollars). The one man said to me its not the bike but whose on it. That felt great to hear because I had been getting really frustrated with my bike.

I felt like God was encouraging me through these two friendly men. And I really needed it. Also the really cool part was that when I was just finishing up my 10K RUN they whipped by on their bikes and we waved at each other. Im part of the triathlon community now. I may be a newbie with a super cycle but I have triathlon buddies.

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