Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Schedule and Ice Baths

This has been my schedule since January and I've been sticking to it quite closely.

Monday: Gym - Bike 1/2 hour, 20-30 minutes weights for arms, legs, abs.

Tuesday: Running Free Marathon Clinic - 10-13K tempo run or 1K sprint repeats.

Wednesday: Gym - Bike 1/2 hr (if my shin splints are bugging me) or 1/2 hr treadmill & 20-30 min weights. (soon will be changing to 10K outside)

Thursday: 10K outside.

Friday: Off

Saturday: Long Run

Sunday: Off

I am up to 26K in my long runs. This week I have to do 30K and then every weekend in April it will be 30+K. I just have to make it through April and I will be good to go. Thats all. Its so hard and soooo time consuming!

Well at least I have lost 11 lbs ! (or more..I didnt weigh myself at first because I didnt want to know) and I am 1 lb away from my goal weight which is to be too light to be a Clydesdale. Last year I joked about being a Clydesdale but I dont want to be a work horse anymore. I want to be light and run like a gazelle...or somewhere in between.

A couple of weeks ago I took a whole week off of running. It was very hard to do but I have been suffering from shin splints in my right leg. The stinging pain was so bad when I ran it caused me to limp sometimes. I had been trying to convince myself it was getting better but someone said to me "Doesnt that mean you should stop running and let it heal?" and looked at me with a face that suggested I was crazy. Hmmm stop running, I never thought of that. So I decided to buy new shoes (my present pair are only a few months old) and take a week off to let it heal. My marathon clinic leader also suggested ice baths, anti-inflammatory cream, icing and compression. I have done all of the above and am happy to say it has gotten alot better. Im still wearing my compression strap around my shin when I run but it just hurts abit at the beginning of my run.

One thing that I am proud of is that I have conquered ice baths! I have tried taking them before and couldnt do it. This time I was determined. I wore shorts in the bathtub and a hoody with long sleeves. This really helped. At least my top half was abit warm. What a sight I am! I also used my stop watch to time 20 minutes and read a running magazine to pass the time and remind myself WHY I was shivering in a bathtub full of ice water. Once again going through child birth helped me to deal with the excruciating pain of first sitting in the ice water. I moaned and groaned my way through it! It helped.

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