Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Winter Blah Plan

The January blahs are still clinging to me even though I've been trying to shake them off.  Its so cold and its so hard to get myself out the door.  So Im doing a few things to combat the winter blues.

1.  Get my eating on track.  Today I decided I was going to kick my eating into gear by doing the Cooler Plan #1 from the "Eat Clean Diet" book by Tosca Reno.  You should only do this plan for 1 - 2 weeks because its hardcore.  It gives your diet a boost and then your ready to work at Eating Clean. I think I can handle it for 1 week....well Im going to try.   
  • 6 meals a day, the last meal at 6, eat every 2-3 hours.
  • 1 apple
  • Chicken, tuna, egg whites, turkey, bison, elk, non-oily fish - five x 5 oz servings
  • Raw veggies: cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, lettuce, asparagus, green beans, sprouts, celery - five x 1 1/2 cup servings
  • Yams and/or sweet potatoes - 1 over the course of a day
  • Oatmeal cooked with water - 1 cup cooked
  • Distilled water or fresh water with no sodium - 1 gallon
  • No juice
  • No bread
  • No salad dressings, only lemon juice.
The Eat-Clean Diet® Recharged!

2. Sign up for a race.  I've signed up for the Chilli-Half Marathon March 3.  I need a realistic goal to work towards. I ran 14K last Saturday because I knew I had to start upping my mileage again if I want to be ready by March.  Also I paid $96 for the registration, Im too Dutch to waste that!
White Violet

Here's the jacket I get for registering, bonus!

3. Read an inspirational book.  Last winter I read 2 inspirational running books called "Run to Overcome" and "Unthinkable".  They really got me in the mood for training and working hard at my goals. This winter I've started reading a book written by my pastor Peter Slofstra called "In Tandem a Sea to Sea Cycling Odyssey".  Its about a bike tour across Canada called Sea to Sea that he and his wife did on a tandem bike.  I look forward to reading my book after my workout and Im all showered and rested.

4.  Be more disciplined with my devotions.  I have the verse 1Timothy 4:8 written on my blog but do I really mean it?  I realize that many times I put physical training before spiritual training  Doing my devotions is a must if I want to get rid of the winter blahs. 

Thats my winter blah plan and Im starting to feel them leave already : )

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