Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My New Motto

My new motto for the last couple days has been "I'm going for a run and nothing is going to stop me!" Not darkness, rain, snow, a hungry family, a messy house, laundry, stinky running clothes, Christmas shopping, etc. Nothing is stopping me. Once I let a little doubt creep in...I dont go. So Im being tough.

Last night it was dark, raining hard and it was already 6 o'clock with no supper started. But whats my motto? "Im going running and nothing is going to stop me!" I told my son to start supper.

I shut everything out of my mind except running and put on my running clothes. I was ready to head out the door when my daughter called. She needed a ride home from work. My baby was standing in the rain and needed a ride. What could I do? This is not stopping me, just delaying me abit. I will not give in. My daughter was glad for the ride but not very encouraging about running in the rain. She said I was crazy. Not stopping me. As soon as I got home I was out the door.

I started running and was wondering myself if I was crazy. My face hurt at first because the rain was pelting it so hard. As my body adjusted to the weather the rain actually started to feel good on my face. Listening to "Switchfoot" (0ne of my favourite bands) as I ran made me feel so happy. The Christmas lights in the rain were so beautiful! What a great night for a run! I thanked Jesus for my health, daughters, sons, rain, Christmas lights and a great motto.

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